Просмотр полной версии : Thanks the doctor. Has received the answer to the question. There was Urgently another. HAVING imparted...

27.07.2004, 19:35
Thanks the doctor. Has received the answer to the question. There was Urgently another. The INOCULATION FROM the Tetanus. What medicines are a part of this inoculation?
Can they to me are counter-indicative. There were problems with health in the recent past. Write what I can not, unfortunately, if would be possible or probable to discuss by phone with you.
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Pronin. Century on July, 17th 2001 12 : 02 : 24
Hello the DOCTOR. Help or assist me please. At me such problem... 15.07.01 it is very strong, at falling from a horse, has peeled or fleeced a leg or foot about the Dry ground. First aid: have processed wounds peroxide of Hydrogenium. Has processed zelenkoj later. Deeper grazes at present all the same still become wet. Wounds have not festered yet. The leg or foot has swelled up a little. When I am in constant movement - I can attack it or her. It is necessary to sit literally minutes 5 10 (becomes numb) and I can not come or step any more - painfully. Helps or assists: cold water... It becomes easier. ADVICE or COUNCIL is necessary. PLEASE HELP or ASSIST. Lena.
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Artemyev A.A. on July, 18th 2001 00 : 33 : 27
Begin with the reference or manipulation to the alive traumatologist or the surgeon. It is necessary to make prophylaxis of a tetanus and rational local treatment - processing of wounds by peroxide of Hydrogenium, probably salve dressings (levomekol, etc.)

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Artemev A.A.
29.07.2004, 06:34
Prophylaxis of a tetanus independently do not spend. It is done or made in medical establishment (the item or point, hospital, an out-patient department) is better than traumas in the . It or this to do or make unessentially if since time of the previous inoculation has not passed or has not taken place skolko-that years (precisely nepomnju). The question on contraindications also is solved the doctor. Can address to me in conference a layer. An orthopedics, leave a mail is better.