Просмотр полной версии : At me was small gemmoroj and a crack, the doctor looked in October and has told or said...

27.07.2004, 15:32
At me was small gemmoroj and a crack, the doctor looked in October and nothing has told or said to do or make, and they practically do not disturb me, especially when I keep to a diet, but when at me an itch I everyone were strong has combed and after that there was something under the description similar on sentry bugorok slightly bluish color (very small), it was scratched, but now practically does not disturb. To the doctor now is not present vozmodnosti to go, whether also I wished to find out only necessarily excision of such educations and whether dangerously to leave it or him if it to me not maeshaet to live?

27.07.2004, 17:48
And more - problems at me have begun with transition to sedentary job? Whether it is necessary to replace such job?

Peresada I.V.
28.07.2004, 05:07
It was a clottage of the hemorrhoidal site, to delete such sites it is not necessary. profilakticheski it is necessary to spend on drink course Detraleksa on 1 capsule 3 times a day one packing.