Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Yesterday my wife was bitten by a dog (the dog has an inoculation from beshe...

25.07.2004, 03:47
Yesterday my wife was bitten by a dog (the dog has an inoculation from a rabies). In a fracture clinic have processed a wound, have made an antitetanic nyxis. Have written out ampioks. Today the temperature all the day long keeps in district 38, there is a strong pain at district of a nyxis (under a scapula). Besides around of a nyxis there were rashes. Whether there can be these rashes allergic reaction to an antibiotic? Or this consequence or investigation of a nyxis? Whether it is possible kak-to reduce that a pain from a nyxis and whether it is necessary to force down temperature?

Elshanskij I.V.
26.07.2004, 08:34
The pain decreases reception of any analgetics (Analginum, maksigan, Baralginum, nurofen and dr). The temperature needs be "to forced down" only in case of bad state of health. It is necessary to note, that the similar phenomena can be as consequence or investigation of reaction of an organism on an antitetanic anatoxin or inflammations in the field of injections (infiltrate), and infectious process in the field of a sting. I recommend to accept antihistamine preparations (klaritin, Phencarolum, Suprastinum (something one)), in case of increase of an edema, an erythema in the field of a sting or a wound and also if the temperature within day will not decrease - to address to the surgeon. If want to address to me - see " Questions and answers ".