Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvuejte. At the daughter 6 ti years in August has noticed on the left arm or hand shishku...

06.07.2004, 05:59
Zdravstvuejte. At the daughter 6 ti years in August has noticed on the left arm or hand shishku. Were at two surgeons. The diagnosis have put odinakovyj-a hygroma left luche-a carpal joint, but one doctor considers or counts it is necessary to do or make a puncture, to pump out a liquid and vkachat a medicine, another considers or counts to rub ointment Traumen and to impose a pressure bandage. What to us to undertake treatment? Thanks.

Elshanskij I.V.
09.07.2004, 00:11
At the adult person operative treatment is unequivocally shown. As at children - consult to children's surgeons.