Просмотр полной версии : Dear g-n Peresada! After sorts or labors there was a hemorrhoids but then all it is fast...

23.06.2004, 16:35
Dear g-n Peresada!
After sorts or labors there was a hemorrhoids but then all has quickly passed or has quickly taken place. Later year and 3 months after sorts or labors a hemorrhoids has become aggravated (forgive or excuse for diletantizm). The conclusion of the proctologist: a chronic internal and external hemorrhoids 1 items in a stage of the moderate exacerbation. Unfortunately, the appointed or nominated treatment (detraleks, sediprokt, ultraprokt, Unguentum Heparini) has not helped or assisted, though I have pedantically done all. After each serious campaign in a toilet - 2 r. In day - all is sick also vylazit though I smear each time both a candle I put, and other procedures I take or spend, what are necessary. WHAT it is possible to make?
To solve a problem considerably? I have understood, what at external legirovanie does not help or assist? And how to distinguish external from internal?
In general, the help is extremely necessary! I SHALL look forward to hearing! In advance many thanks, you very much help or assist much advice or council.

Peresada I.V.
24.06.2004, 02:17
Leaving sites are internal, they can be removed by means of a ligation. Call, dogovrimsja about consultation. Phone in ordinatorskoj 199 2554. Igor Valerevich.