Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I wish to address to you in occasion of a ptosis stenok vaginas p...

22.06.2004, 04:00
Hello! I wish to address to you in occasion of a ptosis stenok vaginas after 2 sorts or labors (with the tendency of a falling of the womb in the future). To me 24, at me two children, I plan to give birth still, but later. Gynecologists have advised me in the future operative treatment, that is operation. Vse-taki, I have thought and have solved, that it is necessary to do or make operation as soon as possible. I feel very much nekomfortno during the sexual certificate or act though, like anything and the tonus of muscles of a vagina absolutely weak does not hurt, but, air is pumped up, it very much upsets me. Plus to all at us with the husband a clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis (chronic most likely). At me an endocervicitis, a salpingo-oophoritis. I so believe, what before operation it is necessary to recover from all infections that complications were not? And only then it is possible to be operated? Prompt, please, where I can receive the qualified help that is to be operated? I read spets. The literature that operation is developed dvuhetapnaja: 1 etap-abdominal (strengthening of a uterus, its or her stump or a dome of a vagina after a hysterectomy aponeurotic flaps):)) and 2 etap-vulval or vaginal - kolpoperineolevatoplastika. Where do or make such operation? Will cost How much to make it or her? Also what is necessary to have at itself? In sense, a medical direction or still something? Whether It is necessary to agree, enter the name in advance in turn or how? And how long to be restored after operation?

Elshanskij I.V.
22.06.2004, 12:47
Address in conference "Gynecologist".