Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, at me seams after sorts or labors, only I cannot reach...

19.06.2004, 07:53
Prompt, please, at me seams after sorts or labors, only I cannot reach and pomotret, but I can not descend or go in a toilet, a terrible pain. To the touch about a proctal or an anal aperture vypulost light, it is a hemorrhoids? How to treat and what to do or make? How to descend or go in tuale

The anonym
20.06.2004, 16:40
Puerperal hemorrhoids. Have a drink Senadum, kefirchik, put accurately masljannuju a microclyster, keep to a diet. If rear the baby, eat not in harm to the kid.

21.06.2004, 04:17
Not necessarily. The crack with sentry bugorkom is quite possible or probable also. Descend or go better to the proctologist..

Peresada I.V.
22.06.2004, 10:12
Accept preparation Djufalak, he is absolutely safe at a lactemia and promotes a relaxation of a chair.