Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Your advice or council is urgently necessary. Here two weeks during mornings...

19.06.2004, 01:54
The dear doctor! Your advice or council is urgently necessary.
Here two weeks during a morning chair
- A plentiful bleeding. A blood scarlet. I apply
oblepihovye suppositories - effect zero. By virtue of
Circumstances - visit or attend the doctor I can not.
I can buy or purchase any medicines - what???

Peresada I.V.
19.06.2004, 06:45
It is an internal bleeding hemorrhoids. A principle of treatment: a rigid diet with exception of a spicy food, alcohol, coffee. It is More than fat, bran, the control of arterial pressure. Into the proctal or anal channel to enter ointment posterizan, Troxevasinum. It is possible to get rid of this problem by means of a ligation of internal hemorrhoidal sites. Will ripen - call, I shall help or assist. 8 903 221 5899. Igor Valerevich.