Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! Suspicion on an inguinal hernia. Prompt how to check up and where l...

22.05.2004, 22:46
Zdrastvujte! Suspicion on an inguinal hernia. Prompt how to check up and where it is better to be operated? Thanks

Zenchenko J.I.
25.05.2004, 07:45
Maxim! For check can will address to Me. I work in Military hospital. Where it is better? Most likely where it is qualitative also result otlichnyj-address not pozheleete. But it is preliminary necessary to look or see at your "hernia" and whether there is she. And then preoperative inspection.
Having pressed the mouse or mousy on mine dannye-a contact cellular telephone.

28.05.2004, 18:31
To check up - internally at hiruga. On possible or probable methods of operation to you will tell after survey. Less travmatichnyj and more kosmetichnyj a method - laparoskopichesky or endoscopic preperitoneal with a plasty a grid. If there are questions write: soltar_m mail. ru