Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me already for a long time at rise of an arm or a hand upwards appears acute...

Jury (46)
23.05.2004, 21:29
The dear doctor! I already for a long time at rise of an arm or a hand upwards have an acute pain gde-that vglubine arms or hand which slowly passes or takes place. In other positions (in the intense status) any dyscomfort. It is exact not joints and like not muscles. Whether can so to hurt or be ill;be sick any tendons (if they there are)? On what is it similar, in your opinion and to itself will address for consultation? In advance thanks for the answer.

Elshanskij I.V.
24.05.2004, 14:44
To address in peravuju turn to the surgeon. What is it such - in absentia I can not tell or say, it is necessary to look an arm or a hand.