Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. The matter is that at me in a fracture clinic on a roentgen stops obnaruzh...

22.05.2004, 10:07
Good afternoon. The matter is that in a fracture clinic on a roentgen stops have found out in me an alien or a foreign body (needle), in GKB 67 of Moscow, cut a leg or foot, and tried to find its or her arms or hand. It has not turned out. A leg or foot have sewn up, and have told or said, that a needle there in acid medium, tipo will resolve, has created to itself a capsule, and to touch or tamper with it or her it is not necessary. But I so understand, have been what is it told or said that of me to get rid. Now I already precisely know, that she there will not resolve. And so I would like to learn or find out, that for the device is, which pull out needles from stops (I so suspect to a magnetic basis) as he is called. And in general where I can remove it or her by means of this device? Territorially I live in Tushino Moscow.

Artemev A.A.
23.05.2004, 08:36
To admit fairly, to me such devices are unknown. I think, that I declare it responsibly or crucially enough. The needle really will not resolve. It is logical to remove it or her. To find at times happens very difficultly though suzhestvujut receptions and the methods, allowing it to make.