Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The doctor, help or assist, please! To me of 25 years. During carried...

20.05.2004, 13:29
The doctor, help or assist, please!
To me of 25 years. During several years it was excruciated with constipations which were expressed that went to a toilet only 2 times a week at the best. But neither strong pains during it or this, nor bloods were not. But here within a month the situation has become aggravated. Even when a feces not hard (an average consistence), during an output or exit of fecal masses I feel a sharp pain and together with masses there is a blood. I do not know, what is it. Advise, than it is possible to recover. Unfortunately, absolutely there is no time to go internally to the doctor.
But also forces to go to a toilet already is not present.
Thankful in advance,
Julia, Ulan-Ude

Peresada I.V.
20.05.2004, 20:25
Most likely you had a proctal or an anal crack, therefore before a chair insert a candle with sea-buckthorn berries, but it is better with a papaverine, after a chair grease the proctal or anal channel with ointment ultraprokt, posterizan, proktosedil (that or one). The Rigid diet! Before a chair no-shpa 2 3 tablets.