Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son 1, 2. Recently has found out in it or him on a head malenku...

15.05.2004, 01:09
Hello! To my son 1, 2. Recently has found out in it or him on a head small red tochechku, similar to a hemorrhage or small gematomku. What to do or make? Before anything similar nebylo. It is necessary or to something to process or to not touch or not tamper with?

Ljubskij A.A.
17.05.2004, 10:52
Dear Natasha. Show the child to the children's surgeon. To touch or tamper with it is not necessary. If this hemorrhage - will resolve itself. And if it is a hemangioma (the tumour from a vascular tissue) - needs to be observed of her.

17.05.2004, 16:44
Thanks for the answer. It would be desirable to ask still - probably I am mistaken, but hemangiomas is a congenital phenomenon. At us congenital hemangiomas were not. Certainly, we shall seem to the children's surgeon, simply for myself it would be desirable to understand, whether occurrence of a hemangioma at our age (1.2) is possible or probable
And how much seriously and dangerously there can be such hemorrhage, and whether it is possible to grease it or him, for example, with ointment arniki or any other agent for a resorption. Thanks!

Ljubskij A.A.
19.05.2004, 04:48
Dear Natasha. A hemangioma as any tumour, can appear at any age. NEVER it is necessary TO SMEAR ANYTHING SIMPLY SO, ESPECIALLY, WHEN YOU DO NOT KNOW, THAT FOR EDUCATION. To help or assist you will not help or assist, and can make is worse.

19.05.2004, 16:45
Occurrence similar novoobrozavany wears naslestvennyj character, can be what display dibo genetic defects, but for this purpose inspection at competent experts is necessary.