Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to find new classifications of an acute pancreatitis, gravity of statuses p...

16.05.2004, 10:45
Help or Assist to find new classifications of an acute pancreatitis, gravity of statuses at an acute pancreatitis, modern views on an etiology, a pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment.
Bubu it is very grateful.
My address: docent@ukr. net

Elshanskij I.V.
17.05.2004, 20:06
Last classification of a pancreatitis is developed in in-those Sklifosovskogo. Can familiarize with her in A.N.ShCherbjuka's dissertation on competition of a degree of the doctor honey. Sciences. As to last development in diagnostics and treatment about. A pancreatitis, can call to me sm " Questions and answers " - I can tell a lot of interesting, t. To. Itself I deal with this problem.