Просмотр полной версии : After the transferred or carried flu (as I seem to me earlier it or this did not notice) I on...

14.05.2004, 05:18
After the transferred or carried flu (as I seem to me earlier it or this did not notice) I used suppositories rectal from temperature. Now I have noticed, that at me a constant itch in the field of a proctal or an anal aperture and inside in the field of a rectum, hochetsja to climb there arms or hand and to scratch. All is audible that there inflamed, as in a mouth after a stomatitis. What is it can be. Whether can eat what protivospolitelnye suppositories that. Yes, whether yet I do not know it can be connected, some time at me is felt a unpleasant pain in the field of coccyx during sitting.

Peresada I.V.
14.05.2004, 10:12
Try to use ointment Aurobin and as suppositories with Methyluracilum if will not pass or not take place - come on consultation, we shall understand. 543 5964. Igor Valerevich.