Просмотр полной версии : To me of 40 years, at me at a flexion of legs or foots in kolenjah a strong pain the crunch also is audible...

12.05.2004, 04:49
To me of 40 years, at me at a flexion of legs or foots in kolenjah a strong pain the crunch also is audible, in rest of pains is not present.
Tell or Say pozhalusta, what is it can be and than it is possible to treat?

Kolbenev O.N.
12.05.2004, 15:46
Gonartroz. Accordingly take an interest at artrologov.

Elshanskij I.V.
13.05.2004, 23:47
Nachlnye displays of a deforming osteoarthrosis. Treatment complex - from reception of medicines up to injections in joints. Can address to me.