Просмотр полной версии : Hello the Doctor, something not who does not answer my question. Epikriz ..

12.05.2004, 04:14
Hello the Doctor, something not who does not answer my question.
Sick Korolev Vladimir Alekseevich 1956 r., the address - - - ul - - - was on treatment in neurosurgical unit with 29.01.02.
The diagnosis: Sochetannaja a trauma. OCHMG. Linear fracture of an occipital bone with transition to the basis (ZCHJA). A bruise of a brain of an average degree of gravity. A subarachnoidal hemorrhage. A traumatic plexitis at the left. The top monoplegia at the left. Fracture 5 - 6 ribs at the left. A pheumothorax at the left. A bruise of a cervical department of a backbone. Ushiblennye and rezanye wounds of occipital area.
Inspection Rg of organs of a thorax - Fracture 4 - 5 ribs on sredne an axillary line. Pnevotoraks to the left of 30.01.02. The control from 1.02.02. The lung has finished. KT - a brain. The conclusion - CHMG. A bruise of a brain. A subarachnoidal hemorrhage. Fracture of an occipital bone at the left with transition to the basis. KT a cervical department of a backbone - At level 4 on 7 vertebra or vertebrae of traumatic changes. Results on arms or hand.
Electrography - Is marked or celebrated rasping traumatic axonally - a demyelinating neuropathy of median and ulnar nerves at the left, the full block or trochlea of carrying out on a primary top fascicle at the left. Results on arms or hand.
Survey nejrooftalmotologa Gl. A bottom or fundus - Hypertensive angiopatija retinas OU. A paresis of 6 pairs or steams at the left. Survey of the neurologist the same. The analysis of a blood: from Hb 129 g/l, Er 3, 97 10/12 Le 8, 0 10/9 ESR 8 mm/ch. The general or common analysis wet: ud. Weight 1015, ph 6, 0 fiber otr. A blood on RW - Otr.
Treatment: dikamentoznoe treatment: Analgetics, sedative, vascular, egidratatsionnaja therapy, nootropy. Fiziolechenie. GBO. Massage. A status at an extract Satisfactory. In the neurologic status: the monoplegia of the left arm or hand, a paresis of 6 pairs or steams CHMN at the left Is saved. It is recommended: gl. lno in dynamics or changes. Cavintonum on 1 tab. 3 of time in day. Pikamilon on 2 tab. 2 of time in day. Diacarbum 1 t. In 2 days. Observation of the neurologist. Consultation of neurosurgeon OKB for the decision of tactics of the further treatment.
At the person the left arm or hand does not move, it would be necessary that moved, have told or said, operation do or make only in Sankt-Petersburg and in Israel, whether with it or this a question so it? Also it would be desirable precisely for the nobility where it or her do or make, and even approximate cost of operation. P/s: yours faithfully Alexey.

Artemev A.A.
12.05.2004, 19:54
Problem of your friend - neurosurgical. Therefore: 1. If you have decided to go on a way inetovskih consultations in a network can find some experts who advise on this section. 2. If on my address inform the, I shall give you address of experts which cost or stand to this problem (including in Peter) more close. Success.