Просмотр полной версии : Arthritis

29.06.2003, 23:39
Prompt please, whether an arthritis it? To me 21, from SPb, the last of one and a half year conducted an inactive way of life (I work for kompjuterom), ate nutrition fast, easy or light;mild .4 constant giddinesses weeks ago have begun, the doctor has told or said it it is possible to name the beginning of a -vascular dystonia, has written out Nootropilum and has told or said to raise or increase a tonus of an organism and to replace a way of life. Has passed or has taken place 4 weeks, the head continues is turned, in all body the strongest delicacy, especially in legs or foots in the field of.. Flexions of legs or foots, as though from the back party or side of a knee, a leg or foot it would be desirable to bend or draw in all time, and 3 days ago there were edemas on arms or hand in district of wrists and at the very bottom on legs or foots and the temperature of legs or foots constantly varies, legs or foots as though burn that, as ice. Veins on legs or foots and brushes of arms or hand became more appreciable. Sometimes an easy or a light;a mild numbness and areas stops and ikronozhnoj muscles. A body temperature on the average nearby 37,0, that, on how much I know, speaks about any inflammatory processes. One elderly woman has told or said, what is it most likely an arthritis and me it is necessary to go urgently to the surgeon, whether the rights she in your opinion? I heard, that similar signs happen at serious diseases of heart too though problems with heart were not. Prompt please, whether I could influence somehow joints VSD and some large stresses during last half a year (including the strongest stres at present) + a bad delivery and an inactive way of life what is usual treatment if it is an arthritis or I all should pass or take place cardiologic inspection? Many thanks to you.

01.07.2003, 01:46
Under your story there is no at all an impression about surgical disease. More likely, the competent neuropathologist and the rheumatologist will be necessary for you. Begin with them.