Просмотр полной версии : I want a long bridle

27.06.2003, 15:46
On the Internet otsutsvuet the information about " a short bridle ". Where it is possible to esteem about it? And I wish to come on inspection and to make a plasty is it is possible in one day? And how much it costs or stands in qualitative clinics and the most important at qualitative hirurgov-urologists?

26.07.2003, 17:43
There are no problems, all operation 15. Costs or stands from 100 $.

02.08.2003, 20:36
Yes, to perform operation it is possible in 1 day, but it is better to do or make scheduled operations in the autumn. Come to our center. We wait for you.

19.03.2004, 13:09
the Initial report from Medtsentr
Yes, to perform operation it is possible in 1 day, but it is better to do or make scheduled operations in the autumn. Come to our center. We wait for you.

To itself to address for carrying out of similar operation and how much it costs or stands?

10.11.2006, 22:17
Casually at oral sex has torn a bridle that there would be no cicatrixes and not priroslo back used an iodine...
Has begun to live for a week, the sexual certificate or act (if very accurately) was already possible or probable
Through two a week all has begun to live indifferently, with a kind it is not visible scars cicatrixes, there were only slices of a bridle there where fastens to glovke...
Question: whether correctly I have made all, than this all can be fraught and what there can be consequences?
(To doctors did not go)

10.11.2006, 23:28
At me short, a bridle... postojanyj a dyscomfort at the sexual certificate or act... A fast ejaculation... Where and in how much obojdetsja operation? How it is better to spend it or her?

11.11.2006, 00:00
Probably, problems reshast costs or stands consistently: with with a bridle (http: // www.urofaq.ru/man_korot_uzd_pol_chlena.htm) and a premature ejaculation (http: // www.urofaq.ru/man_prejdevrem_ejacul.htm).
Operations do or make practically in all centers. Cost on its or her simplicity from 100 dollars.
With a premature ejaculation surgical treatment would not recommend. There was an effective preparation which has not reached yet our market.

11.11.2006, 00:09
So business that actually all in a bridle!!! I from for it or her quickly finish (excuse for frankness) at me from for it or her a hypersensibility chlena.naverno.!

12.11.2006, 19:27
The short bridle more likely delivers a pain, than causes a premature ejaculation. Therefore spoke about parallel problems.