Просмотр полной версии : Pyelonephritis

01.08.2006, 19:11
Good afternoon! One year ago I had an acute pyelonephritis! Within a year sometimes pobalipalo, but analyses were good! I zanimas sports (track and field athletics, sprint). Last 3 weeks of a pain have amplified! Has handed over anali krovm and urine, sdelel US! Analyses super! And in kidneys there is a sand!
1) whether sand Can cause frequent pains? Whether it is possible to go in for sports?
2) Could sports. The delivery (a creatine, Geiner) to promote education of sand?
3) how to get rid of sand?
Vladimir, 20 years

02.08.2006, 00:41
First to try to define or determine its or his character.

11.08.2006, 21:17
In the first question is 2 podvoprosa! The Answer please separately.
1) whether sand Can cause frequent pains?
2) whether It is possible to go in for sports?

12.08.2006, 20:49
1. Rather hypothetically.
2. For the answer it is necessary to know the reason of complaints, it is not excluded, that treatment and correction concerning sports are necessary.
Probably, it is necessary to specify some details at repeated US.