Просмотр полной версии : Many bad signs - begin a panic!

16.05.2006, 18:40
At me at once some bad signs which have set thinking seriously:

1) periodic not strong pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly, in the field of testicles (and sometimes gives to a leg or foot). They not so strong as the man did not pay attention especially, simply suffered or bore. But, considering, that the important area of a body hurts, began to worry already
2) a morning erection is already became something from area of a fantasy when she is - I am really pleased, since it is the phenomena the extremely rare or infrequent (and couple of years back I was as many - with her almost every morning). But this pleasure happens extremely seldom (i.e. mornings. The erection), that too forces to worry
3) there are frequent desires to an emiction, and urine there can and be only 100 gram, and the sensation can be, that there all of 2 litres (I exaggerate, but the sense is clear). Thus after an emiction sometimes there is a sensation, that I " yet all ". Plus to all a pressure at mochispuskanii happens weak, she as though follows by itself, as water from the turned or overturned bottle. Also finishes all this such extremely unpleasant action as that after a campaign in a toilet urine still can be allocated from mocheispuskatelnogo the channel (can some droplets, and can be and a small trickle). Well this all likely as consequence or investigation of that vyhodia she without a pressure and somewhere in the channel has remained. Because of it or this, sootvestvenno, after 2-3 times of a campaign in a toilet there is a unpleasant smell (douche I accept every day, but it already and does not rescue or save;salvage).
4) after sports of a hall where I swing or pump press (not super loads, and usual twistings, for example), a pain in abdominal area can amplify, not up to critical certainly, but the desire to complete exercise on press vanishes.
5) in view of all aforesaid, already there are any complexes, and from them the sex inclination periodically vanishes. And it frightens, since it would not be desirable to lose in a life such pleasure as high-grade sex attitudes or relations, considering, that to me only 22 years.

Please, prompt, what is it can be - in absentia.
Also give, please, the reference, what analyses to hand over and what diagnostics to pass or take place (type of US, rengena) at internal visiting the doctor.

17.05.2006, 14:32
At All of you attributes of a prostatitis, but can be and the disorder in the bottom department of a backbone. So it is necessary to be surveyed at the urologist and the neurologist. Also do not delay visit to the doctor!

http: // www.medhelp-clinic.ru/foto/foto28.jpg
Yours faithfully, the doctor the urologist- of the maximum or supreme category Podolsk Hope Ivanovna
http: // www.medhelp-clinic.ru/resume2.shtml

29.07.2006, 23:12
Zdrastvujte! I want all will share too, at me those attributes toch in toch, went to the urologist, he has sent on inspection, have diagnosed (kollikumb) an inflammation semjanogo bugorka, he has appointed or nominated course of treatment it became better not, I so have understood that the doctor has diagnosed at all that, and more odgo about a backbone he at me is curved forward below, kifoznaja a posture. That you will advise, and that so already enrages doctors do not help or assist, a dyscomfort nejmovernyj, spotom stirs or prevents zanimatsja! Prompt please so ka opportunities to arrive to you in clinic vozmozhn. No!!!

31.07.2006, 22:04
It is necessary detailed vertebronejrourologicheskoe inspection which obligatory component is complex ultrasonic inspection.
It or He cannot be spent in absentia. An advanced disease to treat more difficultly.