Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist please, I do not know what to do or make

17.07.2006, 11:35
Good afternoon the doctor. Help or assist please. To me of 20 years. At a birth the link sided cryptorchism has been found out in me. To us there was prdlozhena an operation, however parents have refused it or her, the pier itself will lower or omit. Has passed or has taken place many years, and changes any. At me body height 182, and weight nearby 62. That I only did not do or make, both went in for sports, and ate high-caloric nutrition, and weight to type or collect I can not in any way though you burst! Know will unpleasantly distinguish from contempoparies. Development (fiz.) occurs or happens to lateness for some years. It is uncomfortable to feel at such age not generated teenager. Whether there can richinoj be to it or this a cryptorchism? Or to it or this there will be other explanation. Please do not ignore. Help or assist. Thanks

17.07.2006, 21:38
neopustivshesja a testicle - a source of constant danger. And how concerning secondary sexual attributes? The sizes of a testicle? Sexual hormones checked? Spermogrammu did or made?

19.07.2006, 11:09
Concerning secondary sexual : are developed perfectly, and the muscular mass narosti was not in time, strongly pronounced man's attributes. The size of a testicle like normal (average). Hormones did not check, spermogrammu did not do or make

21.07.2006, 12:37
There are different types. You - astenik. And a cryptorchism here there is nothing.
In 20 years not fallen testicle most likely is already impractical and now it is necessary to think of safety of the only thing remained...
It is necessary to make US and to hand over spermogrammu, a blood on pol.gormony.
Results will give enough information.
"To give birth or travail" to children it is possible and with one testicle...
Yours faithfully.

21.07.2006, 14:11
Probably, you simply above, than to you it is necessary, because of a situation with a testicle.
At US first of all to not fallen testicle, at safety of a parenchyma it is desirable to remove attention.

21.07.2006, 15:36
C big.

21.07.2006, 15:49
C big.


21.07.2006, 20:47
The doctor, here you have told or said, that I astenik, how much read about astenikov, and an asthenia as a whole I can tell or say, that hardly I to them concern.

22.07.2006, 10:15
Nevertheless pass or take place for the beginning the minimal inspection, probably part of questions will be removed or be taken off.

23.07.2006, 16:53
the Doctor, here you have told or said, that I astenik, how much read about astenikov, and an asthenia as a whole I can tell or say, that hardly I to them concern.

And what, high and thin is not astenik?