Просмотр полной версии : Allocation

25.04.2006, 21:54
Hello. At me here what problem: after an emiction there is a small feeling of gravity with the subsequent allocation certain mucous masses (small amount) very reminding on a consistence and on a smell a semen. Morning pollutions also take place. This lasts already approximately nearby 2-3- months. Thus there are IN GENERAL no morbid sensations: a burning sensation, an itch or that other. P.S. Last sexual contact was about a year ago. What could it be? You will advise what analyses or tests?

Thankful in advance.

30.04.2006, 23:53
The dear doctor Hello At me here what problem kagda ia vazbujdaius a skin ne perexodit na galovke shto ia doljen sdelat? astalnoe vso vpariatke

04.05.2006, 21:10
To investigate or research it is necessary a prostate and seed or spermatic blisters or blebs.