Просмотр полной версии : Acute pyelonephritis of a right kidney

04.04.2005, 12:58
Tell or Say, please. To me have diagnosed on UZI-an acute pyelonephritis of a right kidney. At ?tom she at me does not hurt. And the analysis wet normal. Thus I 2 months chustvuju what that a specific nausea in a mouth. And last two days chustvo heartburns in all esophagus (Apetit normal). Whether this nausea is connected with a pyelonephritis. And how much authentic diagnosis if is not present pains. Thanks

05.04.2005, 20:46
The expert of US it only the expert of US. And on internal consultation to the urologist do not wish to descend or go?
Generally otryj a pyelonephritis this dangerous enough disease demanding immediate hospitalization. Considering a symptomatology described by you from a gastric tract it would be advisable to visit or attend and the gastroenterologist.

Queen Svetlana Vladimirovna the urologist- k.m.n., the leading scientific employee nii Urologies MZ the Russian Federation