Просмотр полной версии : Prompt than I am sick!

The girl
21.02.2005, 00:05
Several weeks ago at me 3 days were extremely neprijanye sensations at an emiction and some times even there was a droplet of a blood (probably from an overstrain or overvoltage), and still constantly it would be desirable in a toilet (At me already similar was somewhere one year ago, but has passed or has taken place for a night!)! Then it has passed or has taken place, but sometimes happens so, that after an emiction it would be desirable to write! It lasts some time (sometimes midday), and then passes or takes place! What is this the piece such and how to be treated?

26.02.2005, 17:25
Internal consultation as it is necessary to examine you and doobsledovat is necessary. Such phenomena happen at polyps mocheispuskatelnogo the channel, at stones of a bladder, and as at chronic cystitises. So it is more courageous on consultation to the urologist.

Queen Svetlana Vladimirovna
k.m.n., the leading scientific employee of scientific research institute of Urology MZ the Russian Federation, the urologist, the sexologist.