Просмотр полной версии : Decrease of testicles

17.02.2005, 11:05
Decrease of testicles in sizes can be connected with hormonal problems?

How in general treat in that case?

P.S. The hypogonadism is and there is a decrease of testicles or it
Failure of functions of sexual glands?

17.02.2005, 14:31
I NOT the doctor!

1. Yes. Decrease of testicles in sizes can be connected with hormonal problems and, in particular, with a hypogonadism.

2. Treatment is usually reduced to replaceable hormonal therapy, but all very strongly depends on age in which the hypogonadism has appeared.

3. The hypogonadism is the lowered secretion of sexual (androgenic) hormones.

26.02.2005, 01:52
The HYPOGONADISM is the pathological status caused by insufficient secretion of androgens.
The reasons the cores (their two)
1) depression of secretion of sexual hormones by testicles vsledstvii lesions of a tissue of testicles. It can be accompanied by rising of gonadotrophic hormones of a pituitary body (a hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism). The pituitary body by means of tropnyh hormones tries to stimulate "sick" testicles. (it is vulgar, but it is accessible).
2) the Depression of function of sexual glands (testicles) arises owing to a lesion gipotalamo- systems (it in a head) with depression of gonadotrophic function of a pituitary body. That is - the pituitary body "is ill" or sick", not stimulating properly job of normal testicles (so-called gipogonadotropnyj a hypogonadism)

Proceeding from these reasons and treatment steals up and corrected or adjusted. The core - replaceable hormonal therapy.... Yes, me has incured... It is necessary to hand over hormones and by results of ladies more concrete comments