
Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Some months keep temperature 37. Sometimes skips from 3...

31.08.2004, 22:05
Hello! Some months keep temperature 37. Sometimes skips from 35, 7 up to 37, 4. Has handed over urine, a blood on a HIV and a hepatitis, has made the developed or unwrapped analysis of a blood, a roentgenophotography. The doctor has told or said, that all analyses by way of. In KVD has handed over (but without provocation) on a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma, chlamydias, gonokokk, Trichomonases, gerpis. The herpes are found out. Whether there can be a temperature from herpes? Whether costs or stands peresdat analyses with provocation? From what there can be a temperature?
Allocation on a sexual member more usual. Ecdysises, spots and t. The item is not present. There is a dyscomfort in testicles sometimes hardly sensitive, a dull ache.
In advance thanks!

Koblikov I.A.
02.09.2004, 05:12
You describe a genital herpes or the analysis was carried out on other type of an infection?

03.09.2004, 08:41
Took a smear.

04.09.2004, 02:14
Took a smear.