Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 23 years. Precisely it is not assured or confident, that my problem dozhen to solve...

29.08.2004, 00:32
To me 23 years. Precisely it is not assured or confident, what dozhen to solve my problem the urologist?
Following problem. In the summer to me in urology have diagnosed:
Clamidiosis, candidiasis, prostatitis.
But the diagnosis "prostatitis" as the doctor has told or said,
She puts with great reserve. The analysis of juice of a prostate practically in norm or rate, and uzi prostates
Has shown: walls rough, a lumen ehonegativen, a residual urine 83, the size 3, 53, 2,
Contour rough, the parenchyma non-uniform, contains fine granular vkroplenija
ehogennost it is raised or increased. Also at a palpation I felt strong enough pain.
Plus to all to it or this the erection has considerably decreased.
To me have appointed or nominated course of treatment. I am flied or treated 1, 5 months.
Has drunk much tabetok, did or made a heap of nyxes, suppositories, prohododil massage of a prostate,
The laser, instaljatsii in a urethra, fizioprotsedury a current. Almost the same there has passed or there has taken place my girl.
The pain at palpations became slightly less, the erection became
Little bit better. After sex I feel a strong pain (quickly passes or takes place). The pain gives to an anus.
Also the pain sometimes arises after a raising of gravity.

At me a following question: my insignificant prostatitis treat already longly,
I have spent many money. And the result practically is not present.
The diagnosis and treatment can are put nekorektno?

Hardly earlier I had a dystonia, vegeto-a neurologic syndrome.
All can my illnesses or diseases kakto are connected?
Help or Assist please. I was absolutely healthy. And shchas only about sores also I think.

Kuharkin S.A.
29.08.2004, 14:28
After sex I feel a strong pain (quickly passes or takes place). The pain gives to an anus. Also the pain sometimes arises after a raising of gravity. ++ + the residual urine 83 " is a sign skore not a prostatitis. Its or his complications and to be treated essentially on another. Also it is necessary to have in view of what the prostatitis was, he never influences an erection, more likely stagnation and inflammations in a prostate can be sledstviemnedostatochnoj erections. I would advise from it or this to make a start both at diagnostics and at treatment. And more one: whether byvate emictions in some receptions or to stop to be wetted difficultly. A premature ejaculation?

31.08.2004, 04:29
Thanks big for the answer.
As a whole with an emiction of problems is not present. One time was, that was wetted often and pomalu. Now like normal. About to stop to be wetted - few times noticed, that there is little bit such sensation. (but practically does not disturb).
Too it seems to me that my attending physician not from that makes a start.
In krattse I shall write history.
The last autumn at me the dystonia has begun. Was constantly somnolent, working capacity has decreased. And in the winter (after strong pjanki) all has strongly worsened: has appeared sertsebienie, pressure has raised or increased, and problems with an erection have sharply begun.
Since then bypassed mass of doctors. All checked at me a prostate, from the beginning she did not hurt or be ill;be sick at a palpation. And has then started to hurt or be ill;be sick.
I have noticed, that the erection worsens at the general or common deterioration of state of health. One doctor and has appointed or nominated treatment of a dystonia (many strengthening preparations, fizioprotsedury, acupunctures), but has not helped or assisted.
Now I pass or I take place treatment of a dystonia at the psychoneurologist. Considerably helps or assists.
Excuse, that so has much written.
Very much I look forward to hearing.

Kuharkin S.A.
01.09.2004, 09:22
Really, especially at young age such phenomena can be at NTSD - possibly indeed. Obshcheukrepljajushaja therapy, a healthy way of life and a good physiotherapy quite reliable prescription.

02.09.2004, 20:37
This prescription does not approach or suit. I one year ago have stopped to smoke, ran in the mornings, went to bed in time. Went in sanatorium in the summer. Has not helped or assisted even chutchut

Kuharkin S.A.
03.09.2004, 03:52
Resemble free of charge - we shall look or see, that it is possible to make