Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. At the child (3.5) on a background of reception of Diacarbum have appeared h...

26.08.2004, 00:58
Hello, the doctor. The child (3.5) on a background of reception of Diacarbum had flake in urine in the form of nitok (and after last reception in the size up to 15 mm!) As in a morning portion no visible changes existing, the analysis as have told or said, ideal: leucocytes - 1 2 in p/zr, a flat epithelium - a unit And all! And vcherom again "thread" and "mahry" in the size 2* 2 mm in urine. After a cancelling preperata such "nitok" became less, but all the same appear. Diacarbum drank or saw under the scheme or plan up to the extremity or end of December. All the December long pilt "Tanakanum" and "Vetoron". In January drank or saw 2 weeks eleuterokokk (the doctor has appointed or nominated 3 drops after a breakfast, the grandmother was mistaken and gave on 3 drops 3 times a day). In the beginning of February in the analysis of urine on nechiporenko have found out erythrocytes - 14000, in day - 25000. Leucocytes, fiber are not present. Whether there can be it reaction to a unsuccessful combination lekarst (at reception of Diacarbum the situation which was not at other children at its or his reception was obviously traced)? Also what to do or make? The doctor has appointed or nominated " 5 nok ", but in fact vospalenija-that is not present!
On US - kidneys without changes, in a bladder-
pristenochnyj a deposit (that has very much surprised UZIsta-
At children of it or this did not meet)

Koblikov I.A.
27.08.2004, 06:07
At such age 5 nok it is not appointed or nominated. This or thus the first.
You have not specified the basic diagnosis. This or thus the second.
You have not specified the previous analyses. We wait for specifications.

28.08.2004, 03:00
Unfortunately, " 5 nok " the nephrologist regional has appointed or nominated
Clinical b-tsy. It too has guarded me. But mine
diletensky vggljad in calculation is not accepted. By Diacarbum and Tanakanum were treated in occasion of an insignificant hydrocephalus and difficulty of venous outflow at the left (on rez-there EHO-M and REG).
Vetoron and eleuterokokk accepted as
Prophylaxes against a flu.
predydushie analyses:
The general or common: leucocytes 1 2, erythrocytes - are not present, flat ep. - a unit, fiber, Saccharum - all otr., ud. Weight. 1017,
Reaction acidic.
On nechiporenko: leucocytes 250, erythrocytes 100.
Urine always was in norm or rate. Have gone or send to hand over analyses
This time, t. To. These or it "mahry" strongly guarded
- Before such at the child was not. Complaints from the child are not present, the temperature, too is not present edemas.
What can give such kol-in erythrocytes (25000)?

Koblikov I.A.
29.08.2004, 17:17
" What can give such kol-in erythrocytes (25000)? " - the Unequivocal answer is not present.
I orientirujus on the general or common analysis, etestvenno executed by standard techniques and am qualitative. If all parameters are specified, and
" " mahry " " and simply impurity of slime is fixed.

31.08.2004, 07:04
In a month after the termination or ending of reception of Diacarbum
"mahry" have disappeared. Now only erythrocytes (25000)
In the analysis on nechiporenko (leucocytes 250). Can
Whether it to be reaction to a unsuccessful combination
Preparations (Diacarbum + Tanakanum) or allergic

Koblikov I.A.
01.09.2004, 09:11
It can already be an intersticial or interstitial nephritis.

02.09.2004, 09:53
The doctor, thanks for attention to our problems!
Today has found out on the Internet the detailed description
"Tanakanum". Literally: " Mechanisms of action the following: 1) depression of aggregation of erythrocytes and
Thrombocytes (by efficiency of this mechanism
He hardly utupaet so raspostanennomu to Aspirinum)... " And we drank or saw its or his month! What to us to undertake? What to give the child? That in addition
To survey? Today we stop to drink " 5 nok " (5 j
Day), we drink a neetle and broth of an oats.

Koblikov I.A.
02.09.2004, 21:15
N-yes, slozhnovato with you. Our information passes or takes place " a parallel stream ". Here
You continue to carry out the scheme or plan registered earlier, but thus " strongly doubt ".
Let's consider or count it as irrational therapy.
Do or Make a pause in treatment, talk simply to the pediatrist.