Просмотр полной версии : Forgive or Excuse the doctor, at me two questions: 1 At me varikotselle at the left (me almost...

30.08.2004, 18:40
Forgive or Excuse the doctor, at me two questions: 1 At me varikotselle at the left (me almost 17), what probability, what I shall be fruitless if to not do or make operation? 2 I shake or am pumped and I drink a protein (find fault 82 +) with a creatine, whether there are at prothat any contraindications or mona to drink easy?
Many thanks to you in advance, I look forward to hearing with impatience...

Koblikov I.A.
31.08.2004, 10:33
1. It is necessary to know a degree varikotsele, to pass or take place detailed inspection under the control of the urologist (androloga). Then the question of operation and possible or probable sterility or barrenness will clear up.
2. Without comments.

02.09.2004, 01:23
Degree to me spoke 1 2. And in occasion of a protein I have not understood it is possible to drink it or him or does not follow?! Still time of thanks!