Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! The size of my sexual member makes 16 see Age 20...

29.08.2004, 02:37
The dear doctor! The size of my sexual member makes 16 see Age of 20 years. Tell or say please, whether it is possible to increase it or him surgically by we shall tell or say centimeters on 5 7? If yes, tell in brief how it in general is done or made and how much it is required to time to come to the senses after such operation and to start to use new "device"? And the most interesting - how much it will cost $? In advance thanks.

Kuharkin S.A.
01.09.2004, 14:54
We dealt with such problems and are ready to help or assist. Operation (maloinvazivnyj a cosmetic seam in an imperceptible place) gives elongation on 3 5 sm, and, then, in the postoperative period there is an opportunity of augmentation still + 2 3 see the Sexual life - in 2 weeks after operation. Cost of treatment (all inclusive) - 2500 $ .kontaktnyj phone: 778 63 39.