Просмотр полной версии : Good evening! I wrote to you in occasion of communication or connection rezi in the urinary channel with dizbakte...

31.08.2004, 08:09
Good evening!
I wrote to you in occasion of communication or connection rezi in the urinary channel with dizbakteriozom (on November, 9th), I have made a smear on flora it's OK, mushrooms have not found out.
I shall describe the signs and kaie I did or made analyses, can will help or assist.
My signs: rez and a burning sensation in the urinary channel, the weak pain and a burning sensation in the bottom of a stomach or belly, the weak pain in an inguen giving to a scrotum, a lung rasstojsvo an intestine (that a small constipation that on the contrary and an aerogenesis), in the mornings sometimes happen insignificant allocation colorless slime (a smell not strong, not ammmiak and not a rotten fish, more likely bleaching powder), sometimes in the mornings urine smells tak-.
Case history: Have found out trihomoniaz and a prostatitis, after treatment and that and another in 2 weeks were handed over with a triple smear with provocation, a blood from a vein on a clamidiosis and a secret of a prostate - all was pure or clean. Still chere two weeks have appeared the above described signs, has handed over a smear and has made uzi prostates - that's all right. The doctor has diagnosed - dizbakterioz, has registered bifidok, gentos, Clotrimazolum (cream), was treated three weeks, it became easier, but has not passed or has not taken place, after the termination or ending of treatment all again. Has handed over a smear on flora (as you advised) and the PIF on a mycoplasma and a ureaplasma - all in norm or rate (in a smear even leucocytes are not present). The doctor suggests to make bakposev (10 more days to wait) on a trichomoniasis and if anything that once again perezdat all analyses. I have noticed that when used Clotrimazolum it helped or assisted it (became easier).
Advise as to me to be?

Koblikov I.A.
01.09.2004, 07:46
Regular sex. Clotrimazolum mestno.
Drops spazmotsistenal in the morning. To exclude alcohol and acute it is temporary