Просмотр полной версии : Thanks you big for the answer. (01.11.02) in more detail the situation looks or appears...

27.08.2004, 17:34
Thanks you big for the answer. (01.11.02) in more detail the situation looks or appears as follows. Vozrat 33 years. Results of the first spermogrammy: volume - 6 ml, a consistence - viscous or viscid a colliquation through 10 mines color - mutno-a grey smell - spetsif. PH - 7.8 Kol-in spermatozoons in 1 ml - 5 million in an ejaculate aktivno-mobile - 10 % inactive and motionless - 90 % agljutinatsija spermatozoons - otsutstv. patologich. Forms - 15 % of a cell of a spermatogenesis - 0 0 1 crystals of a spermine - 1 3 leucocytes - 1 3 erythrocytes - - letsitinovye zerna-big kol-in a kind of movement - preimushch. aktivno-chaotic. In our city (Murmansk) andrologi are absent. But the basis spermogrammy the urologist has diagnosed an oligozoospermia of II item and has appointed or nominated US of a prostate. Smears on a chlamydia have been taken and gonokokki (are not found out), the secret of a prostate is investigated or researched. The diagnosis: a congestive or stagnant prostatitis in the easy or light;mild form. After treatment which included massage of a prostate, course Setegisa and Klostilbegita, spermogramma looked or appeared so: volume - 6 ml, a consistence - viscous or viscid a colliquation through 15 mines color - molochno-white, muddy PH - 8 Kol-in spermatozoons in 1 ml - 7 million in an ejaculate aktivno-mobile - 57 % motionless - 43 % agljutinatsija spermatozoons - otsutstv. patologich. Forms - 1 % (razdutye shejki) cells of a spermatogenesis - 0 1 vn/z Z (or L) - 1 3/z letsitinovye zerna-means. kol-in a kind of movement - active, progressivno-forward. Analyses on hormones (Progesteronum, Prolactinum, LG, FSG,) deviations or rejections have not revealed Testosteron-Depotum. The analysis on a karyotype of a blood - norm or rate. The urologist further has appointed or nominated a course of Pregnylum 1000 h 2. In a week 15. The dear doctor, whether it is necessary to start performance of the given purpose or appointment or vsyo-taki it is necessary to arrive to you and to pass or take place more detailed inspection? With impatience I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply.

Kuharkin S.A.
27.08.2004, 22:25
Is not present it is not necessary. It is expressed oligozoosperija. It is necessary to hand over hormones (FSG, Testosteron-Depotum, LG) and genetics (AZF-the factor). Well even hormones are is everywhere. Treatment nonspecific and not directed - moezht to cause or call both improvement, and appreciable deterioration. With the diagnosis it do not agree.

28.08.2004, 15:17
The dear doctor, I has not absolutely understood your opinion, you could not clear a picture?
1) It is not necessary - that? It is not necessary to accept Pregnylum or to pass or take place more detailed inspection?
2) Analyses on the given hormones have been handed over, deviations or rejections were not. Also a karyotype of a blood (I do not know, whether it is AZF-the factor) in norm or rate.
3) you write simultaneously, what is it expressed oligozoospermia (dagnoz which to me was put by the urologist) and that you do not agree with the diagnosis. Not clearly.
I ask you, prompt, as to me to operate or work further. This question for me ochn is important.
Yours faithfully, Alex.

29.08.2004, 22:16
The dear doctor, I has not absolutely understood your opinion, you could not clear a picture?
1) It is not necessary - that? It is not necessary to accept Pregnylum or to pass or take place more detailed inspection?
2) Analyses on the given hormones have been handed over, deviations or rejections were not. Also a karyotype of a blood (I do not know, whether it is AZF-the factor) in norm or rate.
3) you write simultaneously, what is it expressed oligozoospermia (dagnoz which to me was put by the urologist) and that you do not agree with the diagnosis. Not clearly.
I ask you, prompt, as to me to operate or work further. This question for me ochn is important.
Yours faithfully, Alex.

Kuharkin S.A.
30.08.2004, 13:00
" The congestive or stagnant prostatitis in the easy or light;mild form " is a diagnosis with which I do not agree. Spermatologichesky the syndrome of the expressed oligozoospermia is correctly. I simply wished to prompt you what to search and treat a prostatitis in the given situation - business unpromising. AZF - in pnochjatie kariotpirovanija does not enter, (AZF is 5 Y-chromosomes on presence of genic disadvantages (otsutsvie the certain genes). It is glad, that hormones normal. Hand over on antispermalnye antibodies and pass or take place doppler US + scrotums, and also TRUZI before and after an ejaculation (the last not utsveren, that is necessary) - if is not present antispermalnyh antibodies, the partial obstruction and varikotsele - that can be stimulated.