Просмотр полной версии : a oo. Excuse, in oo oo a a. Si...

29.08.2004, 18:07
a oo. Excuse, in oo oo a a. a aa: in a ooo oa o oa oo a at me oa low oaa semens. 2 aaa oaa o o-o: 7 a 10 in 6 and ao oo. o oo a ao (o oo aa est 2 degrees, o aa ao est), o US aooa oa-testicle mapping-(to oa not a it or her aa a o) o ao not o. a oa a IUI a a and a O, t. To. a o time oaa semens o uhudshilis:
In a (Kol-in in 1 ml 3 million, % of mobile 7 % from them: with active movement of 0 %, with manezhnym movement of 0 %, with majatniko-figurative 0 % movement a a place of 100 %, Pathological forms of 99 %, round cells 1.2 a 10 in 6, Leucocytes NEG., viscosity, a-in o, Agglutination is not present, aa 0, viruses - are not present, ao OA.
In a (Kol-in in 1 ml 0.6 million, % of mobile 30 % from them: with active movement of 80 % with manezhnym movement of 20 % with majatniko-figurative 0, movement a a place 0, Pathological forms 98, round cells 1.5 a 10 in 6, Leucocytes NEG, Viscosity, a-in o, Agglutination - is not present, aa 0, viruses - are not present, ao OA). a aooo o: aa - is not present o perfusion in oa testicles. aa - is not present a oo BLOOD POOL or oo oa in a.
Than o byt ao ao depression?
To what oo conducts?
a oo uluchshit oaa? ao

Kuharkin S.A.
29.08.2004, 21:31
I am afraid of you to afflict, but at such parameters, than they have been caused or called, very few chances that something will help or assist other, except for ICSI.