Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son 2 years, and at it or him a congenital phimosis. The surgeon us...

21.08.2004, 05:59
To my son 2 years, and at it or him a congenital phimosis.
The surgeon insists on a circumcision after 5 ti years, but in fact up to 5 ti years I need to make a toilet of the child, and I cannot, t. To. The head does not open. And recently the son is disturbed more and more with an itch.
And a circumcision to do or make it would not be desirable.
My question consists in the following: whether there are ways, besides a circumcision, opening of a head (it or her it can is possible to make cuts in several places).

22.08.2004, 02:55
You sami-understand that that means "to make cuts" a skin on a prepuce????? Ask the husband! How the child then should live with such "camomile"???!!!

Koblikov I.A.
22.08.2004, 08:50
It is possible to open without everyone rassekanija, however by my experience the head rather quickly again will be closed - a phimosis at such age quite natural protective phenomenon.