Просмотр полной версии : Hello, dear doktora-experts! Situation such: the child (8 l...

15.08.2004, 15:26
Hello, dear doktora-experts!
Situation such: the child (8 years) has been advised by the nephrologist in MNII Pediatrics in June of this year which has appointed or nominated a heap of analyses and researches. But we had not time all this to make, t. To. Term of hospitalization came to an end (there strictly 21 put for inhabitants of Moscow suburbs and minute more).

Have now arrived repeatedly in hope to hand over all these analyses and researches. But... It has appeared, that our old story in archive pochemu-that c...: (And nobody can, naturally to recollect what there have been appointed or nominated researches. In an extract they are not present.

At us signs: a rare or an infrequent emiction (1 2 times day), an oliguria, edemas (seldom), a microhematuria, a proteinuria, not so high density wet. Still salts and crystals tripelfosfatov (not always in analyses).
For last half a year the child has typed or collected suddenly neither from that nor from this already 5 kg of weight though always typed or collected for half a year on 500 g a maximum.

To get on consultation to the nephrologist it is difficult (as always, we are written down on the extremity or end of the second week of stay, and, naturally, we shall not have time to make all analyses up to the extremity or end of hospitalization) because we lay not in a nephrology, and in other unit.

The Lord doctors, prompt, plz, what analyses should be made still:

We have handed over already
The general or common naaliz bloods,
The general or common analysis wet,
Daily urine on b/h,
b/h bloods,
The analysis on nechiporenko (we hand over on Friday),
Let's go on US of kidneys (to next medium).

CHto-something there is necessary still. We and an ear do not conduct genetics, and at us normal inspection will again be broken and we shall leave on half a year in the suspended status.

And analyses for the last half a year have worsened.: (((((

Thankful in advance to all doctors to experts.


15.08.2004, 21:31
It is necessary to make doplerografiju, cystography and a urography. But is better to you to consult in Filatovskoj b-tse, in children's nefro-the center, and diagnostics deljut it is fast.

16.08.2004, 05:00
At us Situated near Moscow honey. The policy. There us do not take.

Koblikov I.A.
17.08.2004, 19:36
Natasha! As I remember, you our constant visitor, and at the child...? HGN?

18.08.2004, 00:54
At us while (SO LONG!!!) such diagnosis, fortunately, it is not necessary. At us - genetic metabolic disease. + dismetabolicheskaja a nephropathy in doubt.

Well so with my question? He and has remained without the answer.: (here today have handed over on nechiporenko - ages - 10500, lejk - 5000, fiber - 0, 267 g/l. 1 2 times day, a little are wetted. By the way, the density of morning urine 1010 is a good parameter or how? Well what it is necessary to spend still researches that at last we have understood with the diagnosis?