Просмотр полной версии : Posle polovogo akta, u moego muja ostrie boli penisa i moshonki. Nedavno ya...

17.08.2004, 17:15
Posle polovogo akta, u moego muja ostrie boli penisa i moshonki. Nedavno ya zametila iskrevlenie penisa v storonu, utonchenie v seredine. Posovetuite kak nam bit. Spasibo.

Kuharkin S.A.
17.08.2004, 23:36
Possibly it is illness or disease Pejroni, and in most it or her neblagoprijatoj frme - perstenvidnaja (a narrowing plaque). That that are pains is well - nezapushenaja a stage. rbratites to the urologist (andrologu) to cure illness or disease it is impossible, but here to prevent its or her serious complications - sharp deformation of a sexual member and impotency in some cases is possible.