Просмотр полной версии : Would like to specify in occasion of the question about a colliculitis, with application pr...

12.08.2004, 16:10
Would like to specify in occasion of the question about a colliculitis, with application of a condom with anesthetic the sexual certificate or act is considerably stretched or considerably dragged out, whether it testifies to a hypersensitivity of a head of a penis, and it is how much necessary to spend uretroskopiju at the accelerated ejaculation, prompt a degree of efficiency of preparation Speman-Forte? Thanks!

Kuharkin S.A.
13.08.2004, 20:45
Eio svideteostvet about giperchuvstvietlosti heads. Uretromeopiju to spend it is not necessary. Speman-forte for you it is not effective., but vobshchem a preparation not bad (but also not good).