Просмотр полной версии : To my child 3 mesjatsab on uzi have diagnosed a hydronephrosis of a left kidney...

10.08.2004, 14:54
To my child 3 mesjatsab on uzi have diagnosed a hydronephrosis of a left kidney. Analyses of urine good. What correct steps I should undertake on potverzhdeniju the given diagnosis. And whether it is curable without operation. To us have offered a urography, but whether it is harmful to such age

12.08.2004, 02:01
Lilja, unfortunately only operation. In occasion of a urography, from two harms to choose smaller. Time at the child a hydronephrosis, it is necessary to do or make a urography every year. And with operation do not tighten or delay, it is better to make in 1 month, than in 6. It is less than relapses. Also do not worry, all will be by way of.

Koblikov I.A.
13.08.2004, 10:32
It agree completely.
There are cases when later hit on operation leads to that simply delete an impractical kidney.