Просмотр полной версии : Sergey Arkadevich! Hello!.. 03.10.03 we with the husband were at you on at...

Elena, Tyumen
04.08.2004, 06:48
Sergey Arkadevich! Hello!.. 03.10.03 we with the husband were at you on reception. .vspomnili? You have recommended to us operation microsurgical, diagnosed my husband varikotsele 3 degrees - and having defined or determined it or him visually (an example from the textbook). In connection with that before we heard opposite opinion on testicles of my husband, and operation vsyo-taki a thing seryoznaja, the decision to address to the third doctor was accepted to understand where true. .spetsialist regional andrologicheskogo the center, visually not having found out attributes varikotsele, has sent it or him on dopler scrotums in the intense and weakened status. Present now our status... When at us on arms or hand the resolution in which it is written that varikotsele is not present (even 1 degree). Comment please... We in a bewilderment.

04.08.2004, 13:04
I in a shock. The matter is that my husband already was operated half a year back. The diagnosis put similar - varikotsele 2 3 items Besides the age drew in, here and were solved at once, did not pull. Has passed or has taken place half a year - pregnancy as was not and is not present, and whether will be - it is not known. Have gone or send to other doctor, have asked, whether it was valid varikotsele. He speaks: if to you have told or said, that was, means, probably was... All of them, - to mine, are tied. Money extort, and results - a zero.

05.08.2004, 12:31
We while try to not think of the most bad though koneshno ideas already climb... At first it would be desirable to hear opinion of the doctor... I understand all, that how much doctors are so much and opinions, but not so inconsistent... It is possible to argue we shall assume one 2 stage, another 3 speaks, or one speaks, that is not present varikotsele - another has begun 1, well when on arms or hand the resolution that is not present ABSOLUTELY, and another - 3 I a stage bilaterial, operation complex or difficult, is not clear where to run and to that to beat the face:) (With. - a joke meanwhile). .vam I know already that the doctor will respond - the spermatogenesis is restored FROM half a year about one year and chances to return from a fruitless status in fetal - - to mine about 40 %.. .chtonibud in this spirit...

05.08.2004, 21:25
Absolutely precisely! Only one business if we have got in those of 60 % to that operation has not helped or assisted, and absolutely another - if varikotsele was not at all! Will agree! In fact in the second case we have simply thrown out 1200 dollars on a wind. And money hardly get to us, we not from a palate suffice them. And time leaves... And we have trusted.. So be very vigilant! I wish good luck!

06.08.2004, 17:54
And to you of success!!! The main thing do not lose hope!

Kuharkin S.A.
06.08.2004, 22:39
To Elena. Fine I remember your husband. Doubts in the diagnosis at me practically are not present. Doppler's conclusion and US is given with digits. Instead of as the answer yes or not. Inform them if is. Is nekotrye rasshozhdenija at an estimation of degrees varikotsele, (the criterion is 2.3 mm American stanadrt, I met - when and at 4 mm - regarded as otsutvie varikotsele (and at these digits even the reflux does not occur or happen. tk. Stagnation postojnyj and expansion too greater or big, puts the gauge or for dpolera serdatsv and large vessels even more often, or not there put). I well remember the husband, I do not have doubts in the diagnosis, he really does not demand additional research by means of dopplera. However tieper I very much rekomendub Yam all the same it to pass and inform or take place and inform me digits. The diagnosis with pomoshju US + doppera is not formulated as and there is no it always digit. Doubts at me vyzvyalo only otsutsvie attributes of the expressed oligotrophy of testicles (by the way what volume namerjali at US?) . I am not capable to deny proofless the statement, that varikotsele was not present, without digits. And during too time I wish you to assure once again. That this diagnosis is passed or missed very much often, zanchitelno more often. Than to be put false.

Kuharkin S.A.
07.08.2004, 10:57
To Olga. I would understand yours someneija and the offended feelings if has passed or has taken place year - an one and a half, but in any way 6 months. Gado byo to you at once to recommend IKSI - gansov mensheja. But on enkotoroe time develops a germ, you is pleased. poom more often ogarchaets, pomu that further etoggo does not go to 70-80 % of cases. zato all at once, all dynamics or changes. All dramatic nature. Like as well as the pregnant woman have visited, nk and dlshe? Further still attempts - vel it has once turned out. Money only in the extremity or end to become it is a pity. But chuystvo udovletorenija is - so much all occured or happened. Excitements, razovbetsja - will not develop. The life is full. Varikotsele oprerovat it is more boring. You have prematurely supported or maintained scandal. Optimization of a spermatogenesis occurs or happens not earlier than 3 months after operation, in sredenem 8 months. Half a year is a starting point, and as not criterion of an estimation of efficiency, more often. At sravneii spermogrammy through three also six months after operation is accepted resheniii about expediency of additional stimulation. Read through an extract. I believe, that I know Yvshego muda and recently I on reception it explained All of you. Business or affairs at it or him go not bad, in speromgramme vosstanavilos practically to initial for incomplete 6 months. nepomnju in yours prisutsviii or only to Dmitry has complained to not resort yet to EKO. Still too early, wait hotjaby still half a year. How much or as far as I remember Both of you in district of 32 33 years. If you will wait still half a year, and pregnancy for this time to not happen EKO you will make all peer with an every prospect of success. Than now. tk. In any case spermatogenza and quality of spermatozoons to improve. For an anti-advertising separate thanks. (And unreasonable it is absolute, and in difference from Elena who has simply received less than information, at you it is simple too greater or big belief in a miracle and too fast which happens seldom, far nevsegda, nesolko women from ogromnnogo sets zaberemenili less than in half a year after operation and to it or this were surprised, because I of it or this did not promise also they it or this did not expect)

08.08.2004, 03:21
Sergey Arkadevich!!! I shall certainly read to you completely the resolution on dopleru completely... (up to the house only I shall reach - has thought still to take it or him with myself, but has forgotten). .a Tell or Say please, that under the American standards NORM or RATE, a limit (in mm) for jaichkovoj veins in the intense and weakened status...

Kuharkin S.A.
09.08.2004, 12:14
2.3 - 3.0 mm are a so-called grey scale demanding registration of a reflux of a blood on veins by means of dopplera, Above 3.0 mm are already clinically expressed forms varikotsele which mogukt to be from 1 up to 3 degrees and dopplera do not demand. But it not everything, sometimes (15 %) varikotsele are defined or determined not by funicular veins, and veins of directing or referring ligament or cord;sheaf (them isledujut kraje it is rare, vo-anyway. I did not read such conclusions, rekdo them opsyvjut at a radiological occlusion). I do not remember that at your husband was exact, but if you uverenoo speak, about that that I recommended microsurgical operation, (instead of ukazval as the most successful, and the others too dopustipye) that. Probably I had suspicions on such transskroatlnye anastomoses. Unfortunately I do not remember precisely spermogramm your husband. But - to mine there there were greater or big amplitudes of fluctuations of concentration is too an indirect attribute of testicular dysfunction in a stage of subindemnification. Still I remember, that testicles of your husband were prishchnany the doctor as very healthy, but dazheesli to admit or allow, that I nashupal not veins, and any nepnjatnoe a thickening in a scrotum, all the same it should be diagnostiovanno at ultrazvkuovom research. You look or see pozhalujtsa more quickly results, and that here my honour posramili and damachka you podderazhala, though you and about Fomu, and she about JAremu, but vse-taki any nespravedilvast and the general or common istreika. If the husband will be in Moscow, is ready to recheck at own expense the given US in nezavismom the center (not at itself. Namely anonymously in a place, kotore does or makes these researches professionally). And prokrmenduju a place where you can perform the same operation without my participation. On the last, in case of your decision on expediency of operation, I shall insist.

10.08.2004, 12:30
The doctor, excuse for you boil... But for us, people far from medicine, reaction at similar raznoshyorstnyh opinions understand close to shock. .vy to us have inspired trust, and very much it would be desirable to not inflate fire actually, and to establish or install the correct diagnosis to not tighten or delay further treatment... And if operation really is required, we shall go only to you (if koneshno vozmyote), only a question how to converge to doctors in opinions (though pay to you the ticket aboard the plane and a consultation collect or ours to you carry:) And understand, you saw reaction of my husband when you have told or said about operation, literally presyncopal status, therefore koneshno we very much were delighted, when have told or said that all by way of, the person always would like to go a method of the least resistance... Whether other question correct is a method????
.. RESULTS of US jaichkovyh veins and renal veins. (I write literally as I can - words I can muddle the truth, in advance I apologize - handwriting such)... Renal veins on the right - 0, 7 0, 8 sm, at the left - 0, 8 0, 9 sm, a blood flow phase. Testicles: the right 4, 5* 2, 8* 2, 5 sm, the left 4, 7* 3, 0* 2, 7 sm, contours of testicles precise equal, the parenchyma is homogeneous. Appendages of testicles: the right 2, 8* 1, 2 sm with a cyst at the top pole 1, 1 sm in diameter. Left 1, 8 * 1, 1 sm, contours precise, equal, jaichkovye veins on the right up to 1, 5 mm, at the left 2, 5 3 mm, at natuzhivanii on the right up to 2 mm, at the left up to 3 3, 5 mm. The conclusion: a cyst of an appendage of the right testicle... In words both vrach-uzi and vrach-androlog have told or said, that on the first stage even to pull - does not stretch, the cyst of an appendage does not influence a spermatogenesis also dangers does not represent... Very much I look forward to hearing!

Kuharkin S.A.
10.08.2004, 19:57
Elena, excuse there will be kratok, and that it any more konferentsja. And educational program. Doppler Vam did not do or make, and it is not necessary similar - have described on the right a typical picture of a reflux augmentation with 1.5 up to 2 mm. It not criterion even the first stage (under condition of prvalnogo performance). But the reflux (which without dopplra vse-taki it is fixed or recorded on a phlebectasia on US) is unequivocal and besprikoslovnnyj argument for vairkotsele (confuses me only. That namerilii as sublkinicheskoe, but I think, what is it an error in technics or technical equipment izmenerija) those. Up to 2.3 mm by arms or hand neporedeljaemoe, probably nepravlino measured. Can even laying (laying it obviously nepravlino, tk. To a vein rasshirjajutmja costing or standing and if there is no paralysis venous flow down. That laying quite smykajutmja) As an example I shall develop on the bill laying - I not govrju. That laying it is impossible to measure. But it obviously more difficultly than costing or standing, is not known by me also in what places put the gauge. At the left - the reflux and veins and 1 also is fixed. 5 times those exceed border clinical varikotsele-. e unequivocally clinically vyrazhdennoe variokotsele. Further the diagnosis absolutely not ultrasonic - clinical stpeni varikotsele are not defined or determined on US. (on that they clinical). Can be and with diamtrom 5 mm bvt the first schtepeni, can be and diamtrom 3 - the third degree. By the way, even klasissicheskoe varikotsele the third stpeni, sovreshenno bezomnennoe, than 4 mm are rare byvate with diamtrom more. Whether in general the degree above subclinical is defined or determined only by arms or hand and to argue stretches on the first stpen or not by results of UZiI it is simply impossible. potomuchto well simply there are no such criteria. Still I shall extend on the bill stpenej - 1 stpen is varikotsde defined or determined at oshupyvaenii grozdevidnogo speletenija at height of a strain of muscles of a stomach or belly. The second degree is an expansion not so not demanding a strain of muscles of a stomach or belly., that it or him to notice, the third is visible approximately expansion. (Where here tell or say criteria about dimater veins when it depends on quantity or amount of veins more. Their tortuosities - actually imitating varices (varikotsele is not true varices), but not as not from damtra. It or he cannot be defined or determined on vgljad on oshup) the third stpen, can be the second at your husband. Yes has forgotten to write above, that all researches for varikotsele are spent costing or standing (and in a warm room and teplmi by arms or hand - such meloch as disturbance of these rules polne can deform or distort all representation about illness or disease). There is one more klasifikatsija where the third degree name varikotsele, kotore is not fallen down laying (it is the Soviet school, is already rare who it or her adheres, but can it wish to see doctors. konsultujushchie your husband, moreover " a bag with worms " - a clinical example varikotsele from the textbook for students. Elena, further I am not capable to argue in a correspondence regimen. (though a muzzle come to beat - too a joke). About one I zheleju, that pobereg your money also did not begin to carry out all of research at myself, t. To. A case I shall repeat, has regarded as student's.