Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! One week ago my husband has handed over spermogrammu. I ask you pr...

The wife
06.08.2004, 17:14
Hello, the doctor!
One week ago my husband has handed over spermogrammu. I ask you prokomentirovat its or her results.
Last ejaculation 7 days ago
Quantity or Amount of an ejaculate 5, 0 ml
Color zheltovato - whitish, a smell - a chestnut
pH - 8; viscosity - 3 mm. A colliquation through 15 minutes
Quantity or Amount of spermatozoons in 1 ml - 62 million
Quantity or Amount of spermatozoons in all ejaculate 310 million
Mobile forms - 95 %; motionless and inactive forms - 5 %
Letsetinovye grains individual.
Normal spermatozoons - 80 %
Abnormal spermatozoons - 12 %
Cells spermigeneza - 8 %
Leucocytes - 2 3
Thankful in advance!!!

Rabaev G.G.
07.08.2004, 04:45
Practically ideal spermogramma.