Просмотр полной версии : Vi mne otvetili na moi vopros, spasibo. Vash otvet sovershenno pravilnii es...

29.07.2004, 23:44
Vi mne otvetili na moi vopros, spasibo. Vash otvet sovershenno pravilnii esli (kak vi i skazali net nikakih narushenii), no po moemu Ya vam napisala ne tochno prichinu pochemu moi boyfriend ne mozhet konchit.
Posle konsultazii u doctora on skazal chto osnovnaya prichina pochemu u nego problema s "konchaniem" t. k. TAM (u moshonki) povrezhdeni (a tochnee porvani) kakie to 2 svyazki. Ya sovershenno ne razbirayus v stroenii muzhskih polovih organov, no dumayu chto vi menya ponimaete.
Koroche, seichas on stal nosit spezialnii lechebnii poyas.
I on deistvitelno uveryaet menya chto seichas mi ne mozhem prodolzhat normalnuyu polovuyu zhizn, (a tolko raz v mesyaz) t. k. doctor skazal chto eto v dalneishem privedet k impotenzii.
Kakie u vas kommentarii po etomu povodu?
Premnogo vam blagodarna, tozhe rabotayu zarubezhom.

Kuharkin S.A.
31.07.2004, 06:38
It is difficult to assume that your doctor means, ligaments or cords in scrotums are not present and the more so are not present anatomic strukur. Being scrotums both influencing an erection and an ejaculation. imetsja in view of a sexual member supporting or maintaining ligament or cord;sheaf - in this case not the ejaculation and an orgasm are complicated and a sexual member it is impossible to keep in an axial direction (dangles or hangs about here and there), in this case to not terminate difficultly, and to begin and continue. It too is probable not that that has in view of your doctor, but even rather approximate assumptions at me are not present others.