Просмотр полной версии : My husband only recently has passed or has taken place course of treatment of a ureaplasmosis (proceeded in hidden or latent...

29.07.2004, 04:21
My husband only recently has passed or has taken place course of treatment of a ureaplasmosis (proceeded in the latent form - analyses all possible or probable were good, imunogramma has shown presence of antibodies on a ureaplasma). Results imunogrammy after treatment - all is pure or clean. At me analyses, including on antibodies, normal. Ureaplasmas are not present. I the doctor has appointed or nominated preventive course of treatment by antibiotics, in parallel with its or his course. After antibiotics I had an easy or a light;a mild disturbance of flora. After disappearance or eradication of signs of a thrush at me, we have renewed employment or occupations by sex without a condom. Next day the husband began to complain of "itch" and "trouble" in the channel. What is it can be, than it is possible to remove or take off signs? In advance thanks.

Koblikov I.A.
30.07.2004, 00:47
Instead of we know it or this!!! We do not know!!! If will appear vydeleni in bdizhajshie days - it is time then to hand over smears. On flora.