Просмотр полной версии : Hello! We with the girl about 4 months on a regular basis have nezashchishchyonn...

20.07.2004, 03:49
We with the girl about 4 months on a regular basis have not protected sexual certificates or acts. Thus pregnancy does not come. Recently we treated genitourinary infections: at me have found Ureoplasma, and at the girl some different infections. They like would be healed, but, probably, restored. Also to me about one month have performed operation under local anesthesia on Ivanissevichu varikotsele 2 items at the left back.
1) whether difficulties with conception be connected with something from this Can?
2) whether it is necessary to worry? Probably, it is necessary to spend the analysis of a semen? What other analyses can be spent?
And more: 3) Genitourinary infections like ureoplazmy probably to catch only at a sexual life from other person or also from simple non-observance of personal hygiene like dirty arms or hand?

Kuharkin S.A.
23.07.2004, 00:07
Excitement of a problem will not solve, and here to be surveyed, really, it is necessary. To speak about sterility or barrenness, on the data resulted or brought by you, it is impossible, but varikotsele can cause sterility or barrenness (by the way, operation Ivanisevicha does not give 100 % of-th disposal of disease, and relapses and complications - not a rarity). The ureaplasma can lead imunnomu to the factor of sterility or barrenness, but is rare enough. Pass or take place inspection on standard algorithm: spermogramma, US + Doppler of a scrotum, consultation androloga.