Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At my husband azoospermija. Hormone FSG is raised or increased, LG skips....

07.07.2004, 06:43
The dear doctor! At my husband azoospermija. Hormone FSG is raised or increased, LG skips. To him did or made a biopsy of a testicle, but there it is empty. Treated it or him Puregonom (androlog on Oparin). But all is useless. We have already reconciled that the child will be only by means of the donor. But I am am excited with a question of health of my husband. Can to him it is necessary make a computer tomography of a brain to look or see, that there with a pituitary body (suddenly something not and demands treatment - not for restoration of genesial function, and in general for the general or common health). In fact pochemu-that keeps this high FSG and are not developed or produced absolutely spermotazoidy. And more a question. And you too consider or count, what with such diagnosis already nothing can be made? Thanks!

Kuharkin S.A.
09.07.2004, 05:07
In occasion of a pituitary body can not experience. I consider or count, that in your situation there are variants of the decision.
1. You do not accept stimulation by hormones of a pituitary body (the Status so hypergonadotrophic).
2. Even the negative conclusion of a biopsy if she is executed by traditional way, does not speak about absence of a spermatogenesis completely. And up to a biopsy it is clear, that the insular spermatogenesis is saved only. It is essentially important to carry out in cycle EKO-IKSI a plural biopsy of testicles from two parties or sides at which the chance multiply raises or increases find even individual spermatozoons. And preliminary stimulation not preparations FSG.