Просмотр полной версии : After an attack of a renal colic with a heat and hospitalization at up to...

06.07.2004, 04:32
After an attack of a renal colic with a heat and hospitalization at the daughter (18 years) that not absolutely precisely is called as an edema of a right kidney is revealed. Left - wandering.
The kidney practically does not function - on a contrast roentgen for one and a half hour nothing has allocated. Offer operation. Questions: whether there is an alternative of operation? Whether Essentially to do or make operation urgently (the acute inflammation is now removed or now taken off, is not present pains temperatures) or it is more reasonable to postpone till more cool time - autumns? What time is necessary to be in a hospital before operation and after operation (at successful current)? At me it is a lot of zankomyh doctors, but with among them there is no highly skilled urologist - the nephrologist, opinions it is a lot of and to bring them under the general or common denominator difficultly. Besides the unequivocal authoritative expert at us in city to name difficultly. There is skilled or experienced, but very elderly person. There is fashionable enough a young experimenter. Whether operation to so complex or difficult concerns, what it or she can be entrusted only to the person of very high qualification? And more - speak, what is it most likely at it or her congenital. But she was engaged in equestrian sport, paldala from a horse about five years ago. Whether there can be a similar defect consequence or investigation and whether has this any basic value or meaning;importance for carrying out of operation? Thankful in advance for the answer - even short.

Koblikov I.A.
06.07.2004, 09:59
The left blocked kidney should be rescueed or saved;salvaged. If there is a hydronephrosis because of a stone of a ureter or suzhknija it or him is that it is operation, now.
The variant of the second (have given not enough information) - if a hydronephrosis congenital, at all researches a kidney does not function - all peerly to operate and, most likely, to delete.
Can send the report of US.

08.07.2004, 01:45
Thanks for the answer, Ilya Aleksandrovich! Unfortunately, the report of US at me is not present - from hospital I have taken away only x-ray films. I think, that ALL researches on functioning a kidney it was not spent. I understand, that operation is inevitable and it is desirable without long delays. We shall search for an optimum variant. Once again thanks.