Просмотр полной версии : One year ago there was first time at the urologist. He at me has found varikotsele, but thus...

05.07.2004, 09:41
One year ago there was first time at the urologist. He at me has found varikotsele, but thus has told or said, that it is insignificant and there is no occasion for operation, has told or said to seem in half a year, I have come again in already last autumn, he has examined me, but has told or said again, that it at me not such to do or make operation and that it can pass or take place itself (me 17). To seem has told or said it is necessary in half a year, I shall soon go... And so wished to learn or find out, whether can such be, what it passes or takes place and does not influence spermatozoons? In advance I thank.

Kuharkin S.A.
06.07.2004, 23:00
Varikotsele unequivocally independently will not pass or not take place. Than dangerously: progressing testicular dysfunction, t. e. Deterioration of job of testicles and sledovatelno high risk of sterility or barrenness. What to do or make: US + doppler scrotums (whether is not present pravostoronnnego) + operation. Optimum operation microsurgical, the others have up to 25 % of complications.