Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. The prepuce periodically becomes dry and the skin bursts...

29.06.2004, 21:47
Good afternoon. The prepuce periodically becomes dry and the skin bursts, but does not bleed. All necessary sanitary norms or rates are kept. As suddenly it begins, also unexpectedly and stops. As on a duty or debt of service long time I stay abroad to the wife, occurrence of it or this the phenomenon, seems doubtful. However the occasion to doubts is not present. Help or assist with treatment.

Kuharkin S.A.
30.06.2004, 16:37
It is a chronic balanoposthitis. If you praktcheski exclude the infectious nature (which and so it is not so frequent). That remains a balanoposthitis on one a diabetes mellitis. A mycosis. Some hormonal both metabolic disturbances and a sclerosing balanoposthitis. All. Except for the last lechatsja also, as well as zabolvanija, caused or called them. Pr rezistenosti to treatment - a circumcision of a prepuce. Last - rather it is necessary cautiously because dystrophic process schato snachalo grasps a skin extreme ploi and heads. And then sliszituju mocheispuskatelnogo the channel. e. In the latter case a circumcision to do or make it is impossible - it is necessary to protect a skin of a prepuce for the further plasty mocheispuskatelnogo the channel. Unfortunately, about last type balanopostiita often forget and I do not undertake measures.

02.07.2004, 01:07
Excuse, dokotor, but I am not so strong in medical terminology and pratike treatments. In what case do or make a circumcision and why it is necessary to be cautious with this procedure? The sclerosing balanoposthitis is as? What there is a dystrophic process? And, I shall specify, the prepuce is amazed or struck only. pozhajlusta, respond once again with specifications.