Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, the doctor has found out a urethritis caused or called by a fungus in me, has appointed or nominated nitrokso...

29.06.2004, 14:55
The doctor, the doctor has found out a urethritis caused or called by a fungus in me, has appointed or nominated Nitroxolinum, a course of 5 days. Effect special has not felt. Partnersha also it was treated. I have started to accept the same medicines as she - Metronidazolum, a doxycycline, and Nistatinum, in parallel accepted Nitroxolinum. In the middle of a course it was visible that the effect is and to the extremity or end of a course signs have passed or have taken place all, but approximately in a week all has begun again. Contacts for all this time was not. What to do or make, prompt please, in fact not such and terrible this illness or disease, and doctors normal at us as I have understood, no!

Koblikov I.A.
30.06.2004, 19:24
The fungic or fungal urethritis is nonsons. For example at very ochlablennyh elderly patients. In your case, obviously, inspection is spent superficially.
" Metronidazolum, a doxycycline, and Nistatinum " apply at baktvaginoze.