Просмотр полной версии : Hello, at me the chronic cystitis, 8 years does not pass or take place and 2 months that...

29.06.2004, 15:03
Hello, at me the chronic cystitis, 8 years does not pass or take place and 2 months that there were no exacerbations, constantly drink antibiotics what only analyses did not hand over... Has noticed, that exacerbations often begin after the sexual certificate or act, any ginekologich. Diseases are not present. Have suggested to do or make operation on carry of a urethra further from a vagina... But the probability about 40 % that will help or assist, whether you can advise and recommend something in this situation??? Any banal reason can be simple? And to cut me it is not necessary???

Koblikov I.A.
30.06.2004, 02:28
When to you did or made last time cystoscopy and what she has shown? That the gynecologist speaks.

The anonym
30.06.2004, 07:09
Cystoscopy did or made with one month ago, the urologist has told or said that very much zapushchenyj a cystitis, hemorrhages on walls, like even ulcers... Can it is simple has frightened of it or this... I do not know. Did or made instilljatsii 14 days, a propyl nolitsin, maksikvin, Phytolysinum, then nevigrammon 10 days... Improvements are not present on sensations though the analysis wet good, the analysis of a blood both were excellent or different during an exacerbation, and has remained... The exacerbation was certainly removed or certainly took off, so often in a toilet I do not run, but rezi and pains, the burning sensation remains... Other urologist has told or said what is it tsistolgija and has suggested to do or make blockade on Hofmanu-.... I do not remember, in nerves of a spinal cord of 6 nyxes novokain-a coffeine 4 times every 3 month the First course has passed or has taken place in November, it became easier rather...
The gynecologist speaks that leucocytes on shejke uteruses, in the rest a smear good a little are raised or increased.

Koblikov I.A.
30.06.2004, 17:17
Fine! Cystoscopy means was, a picture - "awful", treatment up to the extremity or end is not spent, control cystoscopy was not... On my question on crop of urine or something similar in the third time you describe still something, more abruptly than " blockade on Hofman - in nerves of a spinal cord of 6 nyxes novokain-a coffeine 4 times through everyone 3 mes "
And " operation on carry of a urethra further from a vagina "? As to the expert to me the problem as a whole is clear, however I advise competently to formulate questions in our conference.